Welcome to the EduColor community.

Tomorrow, there'll be more of us.

About Us

EduColor mobilizes advocates nationwide around issues of educational equity, agency, and justice. We amplify the works and ideas of students, educators, and communities of color through supportive on- and off-line networks and professional development. 

We are an inclusive cooperative of informed, inspired and motivated educators, parents, students, writers and activists who promote and embrace the centrality of substantive intersectional diversity.

Why You Should Join Us

EduColor has been at the forefront of anti-racist, culturally competent, justice-centered conversations since its inception in 2014. Now, as we expand our network, we want you to join our organization to continue building spaces for us, by us, and about us. The critical work to rethink pedagogy, policy, and research in our schools and their communities should start with us, and here's where we can build that present and future.

If you join our community now, you'll get these benefits:

  • Your membership contribution is a tax-deductible contribution through our partners at the Public Policy and Education Fund

  • Being a part of a network of educators from across the country (and the world!)

  • Building teacher leadership with experienced educators

  • Mentoring and/or being mentored through various channels

  • Discounts and priority access to on- and offline events, including webinars and courses

  • Gear, including our special lanyard and computer stickers

  • Opportunities for member spotlights which will be showcased across our platforms

  • Exclusive access to our classifieds and job boards

  • And, of course, opportunities to put in the work with the EduColor movement

If you're ready to join us on the next step, please go to the next section!


Don't hesitate. Join the burgeoning community of educators of color and conscience moving towards greatness in our schools and communities. Select from the two plans below and hop in immediately!